B2C Mindset Meets B2B Marketing

Gone are the days when B2B marketing was treated as an alien language of no use to the “real” marketing strategies of the B2C world. The way we market to both businesses and consumers is ever evolving and the line between B2B and B2C continues to blur. It’s become evident that as B2B marketers continue to innovate ways to connect with their customers, the path to success lies within embracing a B2C mindset. 

Marketing, no matter who you’re marketing to, is all about creating genuine emotional connections. In the latest episode of Growth@Scale, Matt Widdoes spoke with Aurelie Guerrieri, CMO of DataDome about the benefits of applying a B2C mindset to your B2B marketing efforts. 

Aurelie argues that B2B marketers should take a page out of their consumer-focused counterparts’ playbook. While B2C marketing typically has a broader reach and bigger budgets, the goal of engaging with their audience on a human level is something B2B marketers should adopt as soon as possible. For instance, using video to explain your product/service rather than a lengthy blog post or web site can mean the difference between a potential customer leaning in and tuning out. 

All the data and learnings gleaned from B2C’s widespread digital marketing at scale gives B2B marketers free insights into strategies that are proven to be effective. Seeing what works in the B2C world and applying it to B2B is an effective way to overcome the limited data and budgets that often handcuffs successful marketing campaigns. 

Let us not forget that engagement remains the key. Direct customer interaction provides insights that you just can’t get with second hand data. While remote work has made these direct connections challenging, they are still valuable. Platforms like Gong have emerged as tools that can offer unfiltered feedback from customers.

However, communication is not only beneficial externally. Internally, teams can enhance strategies by getting alignment between sales, marketing, and the product teams. More open communication fosters a culture of transparency, respect, and ensures the customer comes first. 

It may not have all the glitz and glamor of its B2C counterpart, but B2B marketing is still marketing. That means no matter what you’re selling, connecting authentically and emotionally with your audience is the foundation of success. At the end of the day, there are real people behind the businesses you’re marketing to, so you might as well talk to them like it.


Episode 9 – B2C mindset meets B2B marketing – Aurelie Guerrieri – CMO, DataDome

Aurelie Guerrieri returns to Growth@Scale in this week’s episode for a discussion about how B2B companies can benefit from applying B2C marketing strategies. The DataDome CMO shares some key insights with Matt about the importance of regularly getting real feedback from your customers both past and present. 

Some other takeaways from the episode include:

  • Both B2C & B2B revolve around human connection.
  • Video remains king across both sectors.
  • Direct customer engagement is pivotal for insights.
  • Metrics should lead to actionable insights.
  • Alignment between sales, marketing, & product teams is a must.
  • CEOs in scaling stages: Focus on company positioning!

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